This time round, I froze the dough right after window pane stage. It takes about 3 – 4 hours to defrost and will start to grow towards the end of the defrost. That’s why I don’t think it’ll be a good idea to freeze after bulk. In the middle of bulk would probably be a good idea. But this freezing, along with chilling the stiff starter (for brioche) is a game changer.

Completely shocked to have succeeded at this after the roller was removed. I worked on this before but my hips would always drop when I was unassisted and without the block.
The progression for the day’s training was
– static with roller
– add a hop
– add a hurdle + hop
– add a run
– remove block
– coach assisted
– on my own

Should try to edit the videos at some point and find a way to organise them?

Made eclairs today and the pastry cream was successful. Replicated it later and it wasn’t. The difference was how far ahead I made the cream.

Mints in the collection
Candy Mint
Colonel Kentucky
Golden Mint
Orange Mint: sold as orange EDC
Nursery mint (It was just labelled mint)
Strawberry (a super star)
Swiss Mint (Ricola Mint)
Lime Mint

Mints that are not doing well
Silver Mint
Bowles Mint

Jim Westerfield Mints
Fruit Sensation
Jessica Sweet Pear
Sweet Citrus
Iced Hazelnut
Wild Berries

Japanese Mints
Japanese Candy
Japanese Menthol

Mints that I want
Ginger Mint
Apple Mint
Brittany Patty Mint
Candy Pops

Mints that have died
Apple Mint
Water Mint
Kenyan Mint
Israel Mint

Made a pretty palette for myself with all 108 of Holbein’s paints.

I have often wondered what it is that draws me to tiny things. Being a cheapskate might have something to do with it, along with being a bit of a commitment-phone. There’s also a sneaking feeling that the world is just trying to sell me oversized everything— from lipsticks to nail polishes to oh, I don’t know, superglue? Either I lose interest or they dry up long before the tube is spent. I don’t believe I have ever used up an entire lipstick and don’t get me started on nail polishes. Superglues have wised up lately and started miniaturising. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
So I felt somewhat validated by Margareta Magnusson’s #thegentleartofswedishdeathcleaning. Where every possession/collection is held to higher level of scrutiny. If they are meant to be consumables, like paints and inks, the question is, will I use them up in my lifetime? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
And if you think that the question is moot, since we really don’t know what our “life time” is, then perhaps, what will become of them when we leave? I decided that it’ll be best to use up all my supplies as possible before I expire. And since I find it such a joy to try out different brands, media, substrates, everything; I figured that tiny was the only way to go. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Luckily I don’t have the collection of dildos mentioned in the book, but my numerous journals leave me with an equally unsettling concern: When, if ever, would be a good time to burn the physical one and delete the digital version?

karen does nothing

January 2025
